Cyber Risk Scorecard

We can assess overall cyber risk of assets / services published over the web and can provide quick overview of weakness found and remediation plan. This is a quick review service to validate 20 security categories

In this assessment we will assess following and provide our report

As part of our Cyber Risk Scorecard we will assess risk in following areas and provide report to our customers in order to fix the findings. Following areas will be validated as part of this quick assessment, this assessment will focus on assets and information found on the Internet. As part of this exercise we will not assess internals assets of the company, for which we have another services to conduct detailed Penetration Testing, Vulnerability Scanning, Security Architecture review.:-
  • Company assets
  • Passive DNS
  • Discovery
  • Attack Surface
  • Brand Monitoring
  • Passive Vulnerability Scan
  • DNS Health
  • SSL Strength
  • SMTP Controls
  • Asset Reputation
  • Leaked Emails
  • Hacktivist Shares
  • Data Leakage
  • Insider Threat
  • Social Network
  • Fraudulent Apps
  • Fraudulent Domains
  • Reputation History
  • Web Ranking
  • Geo Risk Map